When can you rent?

The price of renting flats continues its upward curve and many people ask themselves: can my landlord get the rent now? Here is the answer

Rentals are through the roof, and every time we hear that a neighbor, a friend or a family member have raised their rent. But is that possible? Can the owner raise the rent? When can you do it?

The landlord can not increase the rent for the duration of the contract: The rental contracts regulate the conditions of the lease during the entire duration of the lease. In other words, a rental contract that agreed on rental conditions must respect them during the term of the contract. Therefore the landlord can not impose rent increases half of the contract, without the consent of the tenant.

There are two exceptions to the prohibition to update the rent during the duration of the rental contract:

Annual update
upload rent

Rental agreements usually agree to update the contract on an annual basis.

The law provides that during the term of the contract, the rent can be reviewed by the lessor or the tenant on the date on which it is completed each year of the contract, provided that the parties have agreed. It is important to note that if the parties have not agreed on anything, no revision may be applied.

And how much can you raise? Read the answer here.

Increase in rent for improvements
Upload rent in apartments for rent

In those cases in which the landlord has done improvement works, once at least 3 years have elapsed the contract may increase the annual rent in the amount that results from applying the capital invested in the improvement, the legal interest rate of the money at the time of the completion of the works increased by three points, without exceeding the 20% increase in the current rent at that time.

What if a new contract is made?
negotiate contract rent apartment

Modification of the rent at the end of the rental contract: Although during the term of the contract the rent can not be touched, at the end of the contract, both the lessor and the tenant can communicate to the other party the will not to extend the contract.

However, the landlord can also inform the tenant that he would be interested in continuing the lease relationship by modifying some conditions among them the rent. In that case, it will be necessary for both parties to negotiate said conditions. The increase or not of the income of the future contract, will depend on many factors that both parties should value:

- Market price of that house, state in which it is located, quality of the tenant (the landlords value that a tenant has not given problems, has paid punctually).

This will happen in contracts with a duration of 3 and 5 years. In the old rent contracts, however, the contract does not have an end date because they are subject to forced extension.

In case the tenant does not accept the landlord's requests, he must vacate the house. If he does not do so, the landlord may evict you by expiration of the contract.